Postcards from Revolutionary Syria Part One

Postcards from Revolutionary Syria Part One
A boy looks at a revolutionary flag in the Syrian capital Damascus.
Listen to my reflections on revolutionary Syria
As a young reporter in rebel held Idlib in 2012
A mural of exiled Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad outside the notorious military detention center “215,” in Damascus.
A smashed statue of Bashar al Assad
A burned and looted government building in central Damascus
Children play on an abandoned Syrian military tank
A crowd cheered the fall of the regime in Damascus
Syrians search for missing loved ones outside a Damascus morgue
A crowd gathered to watch a rumored public hanging
A crowd tens of thousands strong surged after rumors of the public execution of a notorious Assad henchman
Syrians climbed trees to get a better view of the execution.
Inside a Damascus morgue
A Syrian man looks for a missing loved one among the dead in A Damascus morgue
The light seen from a solitary confinement cell in Damascus
A cell in a military detention center
A scratched out map of the world in a notorious detention center